Media Center

September 5

14:00 – 21:00 ——Registration

September 6-7

8:30 – 18:00 ——Conference ......

Contact Us

- Poultry International China
- Shanghai LyJa Cultural Media
Co. Ltd.

Business cooperation:
Laura Liu
Mob: +86 186 21247655;
Gordon Zhang
Mob: +86 131 62627726;


Date: September 6-7

Place: Beijing(Swissotel Beijing)

Organizer: Poultry International China Edition, WATT media

Shanghai LyJa Cultural Media Co.,LTD.

Supporter: China Animal Agricultural Association


Challenges remain critical in the 2013 global poultry industry. The increasingly higher costs in feeds, a result of the previous year’s shortage in raw materials, have led to sluggishness in China’s both poultry farming business and fowl market. Unveiled in late 2012, such incidents as “fast-growing chicken” and “chicken fed up with antibiotics” hit like a depth bomb on China’s poultry industrial chain which has been on the fast lane during recent years heading towards scale of production. Calamities come in succession. With all above mentioned impacts not fading away yet, the unexpected H7N9 avian influenza exploded in the first quarter of 2013 and brought almost a fatal crackdown on the nation’s poultry industry. As risks concerning poultry farming aggregating this year, industry practitioners’ sense of security are being consumed by various uncertainties entailed. At the meantime, in the face of deteriorating living environment and air pollution, it’s becoming a task of top priority to seek symbiotic and harmonious development between the poultry industry’s massive expansion and the protection of surrounding ecological environment. This is also the common desire of the government, the industry and the whole society. Consequently, circular economy becomes the ideal option matching certain stage of large-scale poultry farming. The realizing of circular economy will not only act as a perfect solution to the conflict between poultry manure and its environmental contamination, but also can remedy those above mentioned challenges via cost reduction, feed safety and etc..

How to strengthen the anti-risk capability of China’s poultry industry and help enterprises pass through successive rounds of storms against all those unusually severe challenges? Bearing this mission, “Poultry International China” magazine successfully held the first “International Poultry Industry Development and Food Safety Seminar” in 2012. In 2013, the Poultry Industry China Forum will come back focused on building poultry companies’ risk resistance capability and fostering “Circular economy” poultry farming pattern. Key figures and leading players from global poultry industry will be invited and gather together at stage of the forum in Beijing to discuss current hot topics and derive innovative solutions on the basis of collective wisdom and efforts.


- Theme:How to respond a new round of risk and crisis in poultry industry

1.Significant risk and challenge in front of poultry industry in 2013.

2.The outbreak of avian influenza brings a disaster. How to survive and even come back stronger?

3.Confidence crisis relative to "food safety" remains a big potential risk and constraint.

4.How to eradicate the threat of dangerous diseases from its origin - prevention, nutrition and animal health?

5.How to improve the management ability of poultry companies?

6.How to deliver correct knowledge to the consumers?

7.Experience learned by the trade in developed industrialized countries in terms of dealing with unexpected risks.


Confront with the huge potential risk brought by avian influenza upon poultry industry

-Theme: Control the growing environmental impact by poultry industry and establish the industrial development pattern themed with "circular economy"

1.Report concerning the increasingly serious environmental pollution brought by large-scale farming.

2."Circular economy", the future model of poultry farming.

3."Circular economy" system - mature mixed-farming examples of USA or EU.

4.How to control the environment pollution caused by poultry litter and implement "circular economy" system? Introduction of latest technology breakthroughs with relevance.

5.Ecological recycling economy model using biogas for power generation.

6.Ensure rational utilization of land resources in compliance with local conditions and establish mixed-farming ecosystem.

7.Boost recycling economy and enhance the development of surrounding industries.


1.How to establish "circular economy" in compliance with local conditions?

2.The best pattern of mixed-farming: integrative operation of large-scale poultry complex or cooperative operation involving enterprises and individual farms (or farmers)?
